simple seasonal recipes

Meal ideas for the:

  • Busy mum needing easy access meal recipes

  • Tired mum needing new inspiration

  • Anyone needing some nourishing and simple meal guidance

  • Anyone who doesn't want to spend hours in the kitchen but

  • wants a nourishing meal they can serve

As mothers, we are constantly looking for recipe inspiration for our meals. I know for me, every month, I'm browsing the internet for recipes or coming up with my own and it's pretty exhausting. Especially while factoring in everyone in your family and their own food preferences, much less, the time we even have to cook meals these days.


As a Holistic Nutrition Consultant and mother, I am in tune with what mothers and their little ones need for real nourishment and I wanted to use the wisdom and knowledge I have gained over the past two years to create this resource for you.

The last thing you want is a recipe to follow that is difficult to follow and doesn't meet all your nutritional needs.

And the main thing you want is something simple, with easy nourishing ingredients that can most of the time, be thrown into one pan or dish.


How does it work?

Every season (every three months), I will send out my seasonal recipes, including one recipe e-book each for breakfast, lunch and dinner (to make it easier for you!) straight to your inbox.

 You can make a one time purchase, a two seasons purchase (two separate seasonal recipe packages) or a four seasons purchase (four separate seasonal recipe packages to last the year).

 These recipes will be sent straight to your inbox, so you can view them online or print them off at your pleasure.

What does it include?

 - 30 nourishing recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the season

- Recipes that contain foods that are in season (because you want food that will meet what your body needs)

- Simple recipes that you can throw into a dish and won't be longer than 30 minutes to make

- Recipes with simply whole foods

- Recipes that can be adapted to each member of your family (including babies - while following my allergenic food timeline)

What do I pay?

One time payment (30 seasonal recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner with bonuses)


 Two seasons payment (60 seasonal recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner with bonuses for two seasons)

$45 (10% off)

 Four seasons payment (120 seasonal recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner with bonuses to last a year of seasons)

 $85 (15% off)

Simple Seasonal Recipes